Tuesday, 25 August 2020



Good morning and welcome to Thrilling Tuesday!

Good news from yesterday's announcement that it looks like we are heading back to school next Monday - yay!

Remember to edit, edit, edit your work BEFORE sending it to me, please.

See some of you at our Google Meet tomorrow.

Riddle me this...

How does a dog cross a river without getting wet?  
Bitmoji Image


  1. I think it is maybe if the river is frozen?

  2. Jumps on a turtle and makes it all the way

    or he didn't cross it at all he just imagend in a dream!

  3. I am not sure if any of theses are correct but here are some of my answers. 1. it could jump 2. it could ride in a boat 3. it could be the ginger bread man and stand on another animal's back, head and nose.

  4. Was the river frozen?

  5. The river was frozen? :D

  6. 1 Does He Jump On a Log? 2 Does He Not Go over the lake? Or For Some Weird Reason Is The Dog Able to Fly. Those Are My Answers
